Multiple past students at various schools operated by Change Agent Network accused Eric Wowoh of raping them, some has also stated that Wowoh is fathering children by them, the youth action magazine has confirmed four abandoned children of Wowoh the founder of Change Agent Network in Gbarnga, Bong County and additional in Montserrado and Nimba counties respectively.
In November 2021, the Students Against Corruption led by it leader Daniel Dennis flags multiples cases of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation at the Alexandria A. Andrew Academy one of Change Agent Network schools, which led Wowoh to contacting his owned Police Officers to help him cover up the cases. Our sources in the Liberia National Police confirmed that the report was heavily paid for by Wowoh after taking 25K loans from Accessbank in Monrovia on behalf of the Heart of Grace High School and 30K from Foundation for Women owned and operated by Deborah Lindholm, his white partner. According to the LNP Source Wowoh spent over 10, 000 United State Dollars and additional 2K United State Dollars to Police Spokesperson Moses Cartel to host a Press Conference in December 2021.Know more here about Multimedia Projector
After the Police Report the Change Agent Network Suspended Eric Wowoh and later elected Stefania Forte to the board as its President, Stefania was a former partner to Eric she parted ways with Eric after being robbed by Wowoh and his Change Agent Network. Like Stefania Forte, other international partners left Change Agent Network because of Eric’s criminal activities including the multi millionaire Mark Andrews who built the Alexandria A. Andrew Academy.visit here for more info about Cool Animals
Stefania Forte, according to sources, struck a deal with Eric Wowoh to allow her run things locally as President of the Board as a means of publicity for her, something that Wowoh agreed and she was able to get him back on the board through a report which was heavily resisted by the public. Stefania is currently in Liberia on a publicity mission to prove that she has power and influence in Liberia according to a youth activist in Monrovia who has been hired to organize a march on September 23, 2022 in Monrovia.
Sources has confirmed that the SAC President Daniel Dennis who is representing Liberia at the first ever Community Engagement Exchange Program in the US is working on finally bringing Eric to booked for his crime in the coming months, he was also in the process of securing a writ of arrest for Stefania Forte for multiple charges including criminal conspiracy, character assassination’s and others crime but she arrived a week before his departure to the US.
Wowoh is currently living far away according to reports due to his multiple crimes and has hired Aliska Moore Johnson to do his dirty media work. Aliska Moore Johnson is a Liberian Journalist who is heavily paid by Eric Wowoh to spread misleading and false content in the Liberian Media to make the public believe Eric is innocent, SAC group through its Advocacy team is expected to raise awareness on Wowoh multiple crimes in Liberia beginning next month.